How to Tell If Your Horse Has Bonded with You?

Horses are emotional animals that can be very sensitive to human body language. Therefore it’s not always easy for people to tell if their horse has bonded with them or not. If you own a new horse, you might wonder when it’s has started to bond yet.  In many cases, and provided they are treated…

Categorized as Horses

How Strong Is a Horse Kick (+ Can It Kill You)?

Where I live and walk my dog there are horses roaming. It’s a fantastic sight to see these magnificent animals in a wild environment, but it comes with risk. As you can imagine, a horse kick can be dangerous to your dog and you.  Whilst my dog or I have never been kicked by a…

Categorized as Horses

What Do Horses Do at Night?

Horses are stunning and powerful creatures. Their shear strength allows them to carry up to 300 pounds on their backs, pull loads three times their weight, and sprint up to 55 miles per hour. After spending such tremendous amounts of energy, you’d think a horse could spend a sizable amount of time sleeping. This is…

Categorized as Horses

How Often Do Horses Poop a Day? (Incl. After Eating)

As a prospective horse owner there are lots of considerations to take before you buy. One thing that might get overlooked is how much poop a horse produces in a day. After all, when you gotta go, you gotta go, and horses go a lot! But exactly how often do horses poop per day and…

Categorized as Horses

Why Do Horses Paw the Ground?

Horses exhibit many habits, one of which is their pawing at the ground with their hooves. Although most horses will do this occasionally, some will make it a consistent act – which can even come with long-term consequences.  Why do horses paw the ground? When your horse is pawing the ground, it could mean they are…

Categorized as Horses

Why Do Horses Wear Eye Covers & Masks (Is it Calming?)

Chances are if you’ve been in the countryside, you’ve come across horses before, either on someone’s property or frolicking in a grassy field. During this time, you probably spotted a few of the horses wearing blindfold-like eye coverings on their faces. You will have also seen horses wearing eye covers during a race. Why do…

Categorized as Horses