Hi, and welcome to Crittasaurus!
This website was established in 2021 by Marc Sinclair.
Animals are his passion since he was a kid. It’s not surprising because he grew up on a small family farm in Texas, so he’s always been close to animals.
He was lucky enough to turn his passion into his living – he works as a zookeeper writing this blog to inform people about exciting animal facts.
On Crittasaurus, you can find almost everything related to animals. We are constantly adding new articles for our readers. Feel free to contact us if you want us to write about specific topics.
Do you want to contact me?
The AnimalFab Team

Marc Sinclair
Founder and Editor in Chief
I’m Marc, and animals have been my passion since I was a little boy. I grew up on a small family farm. I love to help other people, so let me know if you have any questions about your animals.