When is it Too Late to Band a Goat? (How Painful Castration Might Be)

Banding a goat is a very common practice and will help prevent unwanted additions to your herd and can also offer health benefits such as stopping the male goat developing urinary stones. But just when should you band a goat? Here’s the answer, plus all you need to know about goat banding…  When is it…

Categorized as Goats

Can a Goat and a Sheep Breed / Reproduce to Make Geep?

Sheep and goats are part of different genera in the Caprinae subfamily and the Bovidae family. Putting those technical names to one side for a moment, it’s clear the two are very similar, but still different… which begs the question, can a goat and sheep breed?  Can a goat and sheep reproduce? Whilst it’s rare for…

Categorized as Goats

Can Goats Be Herded Like Sheep? (How Easy is It?)

The last decade has seen an increase in goat ownership, with people on larger properties, other than farmers, keeping them. One goat is easy enough to manage, but once you get a herd, things get harder.  All of which begs the question of whether goats can be herded? Well, if you want to know, here’s…

Categorized as Goats

Do Goats and Cats Get Along (Can They Live Together)?

Goats are sociable animals, and for the most part, so are cats. They both share certain characteristics such as curiosity, exploring and climbing (in the case of mountain goats). But what if you own a cat and want to get goats or vice versa? Here’s my guide to whether goats and cats can live together.…

Categorized as Cats, Goats

How Many Stomachs Does a Goat Have?

You might have heard that goats have more than one stomach, but just how many exactly? In this short guide we asked a vet to explain how many chambers goat’s stomachs have, why they have so many, and which is the largest stomach compartment. How many stomachs does a goat have? Goats only have 1 stomach,…

Categorized as Goats